Saturday, May 10, 2008

Headed Home...

Well, it's been another great run on the road. I can't tell you how cool it's been to be sitting here in the hotel room staring out at the Falls. A PERFECT view of it all. You just sit here and look at a force that can't be stopped. Makes you realize how powerless we truly are. Some things are just meant to be. Don't try to control it. Let it happen. You'll just drive yourself crazy thinking you can do something about it.

I guess it really comes down to the good ole serenity prayer...

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference

Niagara Falls is just a great big reminder...

Broken down it goes...

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (people, places, things)
The courage to change the things I can (myself)
And the wisdom to know the difference (well, that's pretty self explanatory, right?)

Have a great day today, people... J

1 comment:

JustJax said...

Thanks for the prayer and the analysis... Sometimes we just need to hear it from a perspective that is clear!

And by the sound of that note... you were feelin' PRETTY serene there Bigbro!

So... thanks for sharing at THAT moment.

(Uh, I'm just sorry I didn't find this until a whole week later... but all in DUE time, right?)

The Lord is kind and merciful!!
