Thursday, May 15, 2008

Toolin down the 4 or 5 Freeway

4 or 5 miles an hour!


JustJax said...

Huh? lol

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's a cute picture. May I ask what's on your ear? LOL

janielaurel said...

only someone who drives I-405 will get this "joke" ! LOL - It has GOT to be the world's worst freeway.

LisaBrooklyn said...

Hey Janie! I've never traveled I-405...but I knew EXACTLY what he meant...we have the LIE here!

JustJax said...

OH MY GOSH! I just got that ... 4 O 5, not 4 OR 5 (I was going down 25 or 6 to 4 for a minute there)

But the Lord knows I've had HOURS on that 405... I once slept for two hours on that road while hubby drove it for 15 miles. No lie!

Yes, inexperienced we were!